1. Northwest Sour-soup Dumpling (西北酸汤水饺)$12.99
Pork / Beef and Mix Green Vegetable Dumpling
2. Northeast Rolled Rice-Glue-Ball (东北滚元宵)$ 7.99
Pork / Beef and Mix Green Vegetable Bun
3. Xi’anRoujiamo (西安肉夹馍)$ 7.99
Marinated Pork in baked Bun / Marinated Beef in baked Bun
4. Lanzhou Fermented Toufu Prok Rice (兰州腐乳肉饭)$ 12.99
Fried Bread Stick,Egg,Ham Sausage,Green Vegetable and Secret Sauce in Rolled pancake
5. Guanzhong Liangpi(关中凉皮)$ 7.99
Steamed Cool Noddle Dressed by Secret Sauce
6. Northern-China Vegetable & egg soup (华北鲜蔬蛋汤)$4.49
Tomato and Egg Soup
7. Beijing Loutus Root Flour Soup (北京桂花藕粉)$ 4.49
Boiled Glutinous Rice Balls in Fermented Glutinous Rice
8. Shanxi Millet Gruel (山西小米粥)$ 4.99
9. Hui Nationality Salad (回疆凉菜)$ 7.99